Sunday, November 12, 2006

mud of loneliness

I’m destined to be in SORROW,
Blinded by LOVE,
Longing for AFFECTION,
Reaching the STARS,
Begging for SMILES,
Wrapped by ILLUSIONS,
Imagining KISSES,
Dreaming for TOUCHES,
Hiding PAIN and ANGER,

But still…
Waiting for someone who will dig me from the MUD I am in right now……

YoU'Re SuCh A LiEr!!!!

Practically EVERYONE knew about your freakin’ lie BUT ME! You made me look like an idiot! You made everyone close to me lie to ME??? You made my FRIENDS lie for you!!! How can you do that?? How can you lie ONE TOO MANY TIMES to my face and to my close friend’s face??? How can you make me choose who to trust when you were FUCKIN’ lyin’ between your teeth??? How can you even think of promising things when you were FAKE from the start??? How can you even expect to be given a second chance when I gave you more than one (which you didn’t deserve it in the first place) and wasted it over and over with your lies?? You’re a COWARD!! A LIAR!! You’re SELFISH!!! All you can think about is your HAPPINES!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


What if …
you don’t
believe in love?

What if…
You met someone
Whose meant
To teach
You how?

What if…
You fall
For him?

Yet he was
Just meant to
Teach you….


I Love You, Goodbye...

I love you so much but I have to do this.
As much as I don’t want to, but that’s the only way
I can do, to set you free from my unconditional love…
Because there comes a time that we have to stop
Loving someone not because that person has
Stopped loving us, but because we found out that
They’d be happier if we let them go….
Just like what I feel with you right now…
I hate to say this, but….